The Role of Boundaries in Healthy Relationships

Martina Blanco
3 min readMar 6, 2023


Photo by Cottonbro studio on Pexels

Boundaries in relationships are extremely important. But rarely do we ever talk about them until it’s too late.

Boundaries are guidelines that define what you are and are not comfortable with in your relationship. They can be physical, emotional, or social, and they help you and your partner respect each other’s needs.

You first have to understand that your partner can’t read your mind. That is why you need to communicate your boundaries with your partner clearly and respectfully. Setting boundaries isn’t setting walls in your relationship. Rather, they serve as reminders to keep you from overstepping on each other’s needs and values.

Emotional boundaries include how often you talk or text, what topics are off-limits, or how much time you spend together. It also includes the importance of having your personal space or time to process your feelings.

On the other hand, physical boundaries can involve limitations on physical intimacy. You need to have a mutual understanding of how comfortable you are when it comes to physical contact, such as holding hands, kissing, or sexual intimacy. It is important to communicate your needs to your partner so you won’t feel like they are not valued.

Finally, social boundaries are your interactions with other people outside your relationship. This might include establishing rules around spending time with friends and family or discussing certain topics with others. Social boundaries ensure a balance between your relationship and other aspects of your life.

Always remember that you and your partner have different comfort levels. What might seem harmless to you might be inappropriate for them. Boundaries help you maintain a healthy relationship even when you have different comfort levels.

Here Are 5 Ways To Establish Healthy Boundaries in Your Relationship

Start with communication.

Always communicate to your partner what you are and are not comfortable with in your relationship. Communicate your needs clearly. Being open about your needs allows you to determine the limitations that you need to set in order to maintain a healthy relationship. A great example of this is space. Space is often less talked about in a relationship, mostly because you don’t want your partner to think negatively of your intentions, which unfortunately leads to your need for space being overstepped.

Establish healthy guidelines.

Boundaries should be about establishing healthy guidelines, not about creating walls in your relationship. These guidelines should allow you time to take care of your needs. For example, in the example given about space, you should come up with a healthy amount of it because too much of the need for space can create a wall between you and your partner, instead of just allowing you breathing room to reflect on yourself.

Identify physical, emotional, and social boundaries.

Identifying boundaries will help you set clear guidelines for yourself, and allow you to communicate them clearly to your partner. Know what you need and when you need it. Knowing your boundaries will allow you to create and set proper guidelines based on your needs.

Be flexible.

Don’t force boundaries that will only create a divide between you and your partner. Ensure that the limitations you have set are justified and will not be a source of misunderstanding. Remember that setting up boundaries should be agreed upon by both parties and not just yourself. If a boundary that you want to set oversteps your partner’s, come up with a compromise.


Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and empathize with how they might feel about the boundaries you want to establish. Do not be selfish. Always take your and your partner’s feelings into consideration when setting them.

Remember that your needs can evolve as you and your partner grow and change. You need to learn to adjust your boundaries over time to accommodate changes in your relationship. That’s why it is always important to communicate your needs clearly, so you and your partner can compromise when there’s a need.

Setting boundaries in a relationship is not creating division. In fact, setting boundaries is key to a healthy and strong relationship. They help protect your individual needs and create a foundation for mutual respect and understanding.

