She’ll Beg for a Second Date if You Do This

Martina Blanco
3 min readJul 19, 2022


Do you want to make a good first impression on your date?

It’s okay to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous on first dates. Even the people who are so used to going on dates all the time get a little anxious.

You’re nervous because you want the date to go well. First dates sometimes determine how your next dates are going to be. So if she doesn’t like the first one, she won’t be willing to go for the second.

First impressions are everything. Here’s how you make her beg for a second date:

Show Up Looking Good

We all should show up on dates dressed our best. That’s a no-brainer.

You not only need to dress well, but you also need to smell nice. Women love men who practice good hygiene. Remember to trim your hair and beard before showing up for the date.

Dab a little cologne behind your ears and on your clothes. Don’t spray too much, you don’t want to overwhelm her with the smell.

Fun fact: Girls love men who smell nice. It’s an innate aspect of women to always be attracted to men who have nice scents.

Be Interested in Her but Don’t Be Needy

Most men like to talk about themselves a lot. Your goal is to be interesting but what men don’t know is that women get bored of men who rarely ask them questions. If you’re going to keep talking about yourself, you will lose her.

Women like it when men pay them attention. When a man asks her questions about herself, it catches their attention. It shows that he likes her enough to want to know about her.

Ladies are far too used to men who like to talk about themselves. You can be a truly interesting person, but the most you’ll get from the woman you’re talking to is a passing fancy. She will get bored of you quickly.

Ask her questions. Show to her that you are interested and show concern when the topic is appropriate.

However, try not to be too clingy or needy when you ask her questions. Not only is that a turn-off, but it also freaks women out. Be as genuinely interested as you can.

Be a Gentleman

Women easily get charmed by men who know how to treat a lady. Most men don’t know how to balance treating their dates as “one of the guys” and bending over backward for them. There needs to be a balance.

While women like it when you treat them as an equal, they are still women.

And you need to treat women with courtesy and respect.

You can be playful but at the end of the day, you’re on a date. Pick her up, give her your jacket, pull up a chair, pay the bill and take her home.

Your actions will remain in her brain for the rest of the night. They will make her fantasize about seeing you again.

She’ll be Dropping Hints for a Second Date

When you message her after the first date, she will either drop hints about seeing you again or will outright ask you out.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Accept the date or plan for a second one.

Congratulations, you now have a second date.

Do you want to try your hand at international dating? If you’re interested in dating foreign women, check out the link in my bio!

